Icdp Norge webinar – different perspectives on the meaning oriented and expanding dialogue

ICDP Norway welcomes to webinars. In this webinar we invited international guests.

The meaning oriented and expanding is perceived to be one of the more challenging dialouges. We seem to discuss this dialouge less than e.g. the emotional dialouge. Therefore we want to invite ICDP trainers globally to hear and discuss their perspectives on this dialouge and have a common talk on how we in ICDP believe that through sharing attention and experience (theme 5), making experiences meaningful (theme 6) and making connections (theme 7), we increase our children's cognitive capacity and assist our children to understand life and the world we live in - age appropriately and adjusted to the individual child`s needs. How can ICDP facilitators strengthen the caregiver`s practice with their children and to scaffold their children?


Facilitator: Heidi Westborg Steel, ICDP Norway

From Norway: Helen Christie
From Nepal: Pitamber Neupane
From Ukraine: Mariia Bingol
From Botswana: Info will come.

Target group: ICDP facilitators, Norwegian or international and others who have an interest in ICDP.

Dette Icdp Norge webinaret er om den meningsskapende og utvidende dialogen i programmet.

Denne andre av de tre dialogene ansees for å være en av de mest utfordrende dialogene. Her deler foraet tanker og erfaringer knyttet til å ha felles fokus (tema 5), gi mening (tema 6), og utvide med forklaring (tema 7). En sentral problemstilling i webinaret er: Hvordan kan icdp styrke omsorgsgivere med å støtte til deres barn?